Episode 7

The Journey Of Self Discovery: From Ego to Spirituality, Awakening, Happiness and Passion With Angie Langley

In this episode of Mindful You, Alan Carroll interviews Angie Langley. Angie always knew she was different and blocked it from a young age. As she grew older she couldn’t ignore the signs when before a car accident a voice told her to ‘get her (your) seat belt on’. Through many near death experiences Angie went through the process of awakening and decided to help other woman on their happiness journey. She speaks about the awakening process which is becoming aware of what is holding us back. Alan and Angie discuss their definition of happiness and figuring out what drives your passion.

About The Guest:

Known as THE HAPPINESS EXPERT, Angie specializes in intuitive healing, energy healing and trauma healing. 

Angie's expertise lies in the field of helping women who face trauma and loss in their lives to have an amazing breakthrough and be a magnet for happiness so they can live the lives they always wanted. 

Angie is also the founder of the Soul-filled Sisterhood group where she hosts the SISTERHOOD TV every week.

Follow Angie on Facebook

About Alan:

Alan Carroll is an Educational Psychologist who specializes in Transpersonal Psychology. He founded Alan Carroll & Associates 30 years ago and before that, he was a Senior Sales Training Consultant for 10 years at Digital Equipment Corporation. He has dedicated his life in search of mindfulness tools that can be used by everyone (young and old) to transform their ability to speak at a professional level, as well as, to reduce the psychological suffering caused by the misidentification with our ego and reconnect to the vast transcendent dimension of consciousness that lies just on the other side of the thoughts we think and in between the words we speak.

Personal: https://www.facebook.com/alan.carroll.7359

Business: https://www.facebook.com/AlanCarrolltrains

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aca-mindful-you/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mindfulnesseminar/

Web Site: https://acamindfulyou.com/

Alan Carroll:

Welcome to the mindful U podcast. My name is

Alan Carroll:

Alan Carroll. And I'll be your host. Today's guest, Angie

Alan Carroll:

Langley is a spiritual transformation coach who has

Alan Carroll:

been involved in healing, both from an intuitive type of

Alan Carroll:

healing, a energy healing, and even a trauma healing for many

Alan Carroll:

years. And she's here today to share her experiences, and share

Alan Carroll:

some of the techniques that you can use to heal and relax and

Alan Carroll:

calm the energy down. And so you're able to be more mindful

Alan Carroll:

and more present in the moment. So please welcome Angie to the

Alan Carroll:

mindful you podcast. Well, let's talk a little bit about your

Alan Carroll:

spirituality because mindfulness you is about spirituality.

Alan Carroll:

Because we say that spirituality is that space of consciousness

Alan Carroll:

beyond the physical world, and most people are in the physical

Alan Carroll:

world. And so how do you get from the physical world to that

Alan Carroll:

spiritual world? That's the path, and you've been on that

Alan Carroll:

path. So my audience would like to know, how you how you made it

Alan Carroll:

from that ego identity, this side of the bridge to that side

Alan Carroll:

of the bridge?

Angie Langley:

Well, I don't have much of an ego anymore.

Alan Carroll:

That's good. I made your foreign the bridge.

Alan Carroll:

That's good. Yes. Well,

Angie Langley:

it was quite a battle. But I have control now.

Angie Langley:

And that is one of the things that I teach people to sell. But

Angie Langley:

to go from being a human to be in spiritual, um, it's quite a

Angie Langley:

journey. It's not something I mean, I know some people say,

Angie Langley:

you know, it's like, it just happened like this. To a woman

Angie Langley:

one time she said, she got high, and that's how she had her

Angie Langley:

spiritual awakening. And I was like, Oh, well, it wasn't that

Angie Langley:

easy for me. But, um, but when I was a kid, when I was a

Angie Langley:

teenager, I always knew I was different. And I could hear my

Angie Langley:

name being called sometimes, and nobody was there. And I would go

Angie Langley:

to people's houses that I've never been to before. But I just

Angie Langley:

knew that I was there before. You know what I mean? Yeah. So,

Angie Langley:

of course, being a teenager, I mean, who do you tell way back

Angie Langley:

then? Right. And so I blocked it, blocked everything. And, but

Angie Langley:

I know, my guides have been around me all the time. And they

Angie Langley:

do talk to me. Um, I had a car accident one time. And about

Angie Langley:

five minutes before we had this accident. This was like before

Angie Langley:

we had to wear seatbelts. Sure. Yeah, they were they weren't

Angie Langley:

mandatory then. So yeah, I heard this voice saying, and it wasn't

Angie Langley:

in my head. It was there here. Yeah. said Get your seatbelt on

Angie Langley:

blue. And I was like, whooping the seatbelt on? I mean, I'm

Angie Langley:

only going to my grandma, she lives down the road two miles,

Angie Langley:

right. Like, why would I go there? And then I heard get just

Angie Langley:

fell on this. And I'm like, okay. Come on. And just as I get

Angie Langley:

my seatbelt on, we're the head on collision. I wouldn't be here

Angie Langley:

today, if it wasn't for them. Yeah, so I've had quite a few

Angie Langley:

near death experiences. So yeah.

Alan Carroll:

So that voice that guidance is definitely something

Alan Carroll:

that most people don't don't have. I've not seen anybody.

Alan Carroll:

Action say that. However, it's not common, that that people are

Alan Carroll:

connected with that transcendent dimension of consciousness,

Alan Carroll:

which can see things in a timeless place that everything's

Alan Carroll:

happening at once and I see the car is going to be hidden. And

Alan Carroll:

listen, listen, you know, you got to do something. And Jake,

Alan Carroll:

you got you got to put the seatbelt and then to say it

Alan Carroll:

twice. And the second time really makes you a believer.

Angie Langley:

Yes, yes. Um, yeah, I've had, um, I don't

Angie Langley:

know, they, I have them on their toes. Let's just say they did

Angie Langley:

again. I have my Spirit Guides. There. They're on their toes.

Angie Langley:

Yeah. Yeah. I've had I fallen asleep driving one day. And I've

Angie Langley:

heard wake up. And I was like what? Like this and here I am

Angie Langley:

like this close to the ditch. Yeah. So it's, it's, they look

Angie Langley:

after me. So there is a higher

Alan Carroll:

or higher consciousness and you offer

Alan Carroll:

programs, you offer guidance, you offer coaching in order to

Alan Carroll:

support people in experiencing those other dimensions of

Alan Carroll:


Angie Langley:

Well, what I do is, I'm a happiness expert. And

Angie Langley:

I specialize in intuitive healing, energy healing, and

Angie Langley:

trauma healing. So what I do is I help professional women who

Angie Langley:

have faced trauma and loss every time they turn around, how to

Angie Langley:

have an amazing breakthrough into their happiness. So they

Angie Langley:

can magnetize the light, they always want it without falling

Angie Langley:

into that old sadness again. So, and some of the women that I

Angie Langley:

work with have been in therapy, and I've had other modalities,

Angie Langley:

and they just get to a certain point. But they, they're stuck

Angie Langley:

there. So they come to me, and I show them how to be in touch

Angie Langley:

with the laws of the universe. How to, sorry, how to magnetize

Angie Langley:

how to, you know, shed their darkness so they can shine their

Angie Langley:

light so they can use the law of attraction to get the things

Angie Langley:

that they want?

Alan Carroll:

That's great. That's great. I found that Do

Alan Carroll:

you have a practice that you do a meditation practice or a

Alan Carroll:

mindfulness practice that you have incorporated into your

Alan Carroll:

daily practice daily life?

Angie Langley:

I do. Um, I have a Facebook group of amazing

Angie Langley:

women. And and I have a ultimate happiness blueprint.

Alan Carroll:

What does that mean? Can I show you what it is?

Alan Carroll:

Sure, absolutely, please.

Angie Langley:

So it's just there. This is the blueprint.

Angie Langley:

Yeah, there's three levels. There's the triage, the tools

Angie Langley:

transform. And each level, there are three steps. So we have

Angie Langley:

assessment, alignment, and awakening for the triage. So let

Angie Langley:

me explain a little bit

Alan Carroll:

awakening. I like awakening to talk about the

Alan Carroll:

awakening process.

Angie Langley:

The Awakening is becoming aware of what is

Angie Langley:

holding you back. Do you procrastinate sometimes? You

Angie Langley:

bet. Do you kind of doubt yourself sometimes? Sure. Yeah.

Angie Langley:

Well, in the awakening stage, we get rid of all that.

Alan Carroll:

It goes away. Yeah. So I don't procrastinate

Alan Carroll:

anymore. I work harder.

Angie Langley:

No, you're just more aware of what's holding you

Angie Langley:

back. Like if there's something that you absolutely want to do.

Angie Langley:

Okay. Like today. This was my first pod a palooza. And, of

Angie Langley:

course, I was kind of nervous, you know, because I didn't know

Angie Langley:

what to expect. And it was kind of like, oh, do I really need to

Angie Langley:

do this? Like, maybe I should go here? Or maybe I should go do

Angie Langley:

something else. And I'm thinking No, sure. No, I'm doing this. I

Angie Langley:

signed up for it. I'm doing. So yeah.

Alan Carroll:

So awakening is becoming aware of the thoughts

Alan Carroll:

that you're thinking about the situation that you're in? Yeah.

Alan Carroll:

Okay. Yeah. And then we go to the next step,

Angie Langley:

which is all of the tools. So we educate, where

Angie Langley:

are we, where are we, we educate, and we experiment, and

Angie Langley:

we elevate. So I give you all the tools to release all of that

Angie Langley:

trauma, all that loss, all that darkness.

Alan Carroll:

What would be an example of a tool that you would

Alan Carroll:

that you would give some money to us?

Angie Langley:

Do you have a toolbox? You bet. So what is the

Angie Langley:

tool that you have in your toolbox?

Alan Carroll:

I have a screwdriver.

Angie Langley:

Okay. So with the screwdriver, you're tightening

Angie Langley:

things up, right? That's right. So a lot of people who have

Angie Langley:

trauma, their thoughts are scattered everywhere. So we

Angie Langley:

grabbed that screwdriver, and we're tightening up all those

Angie Langley:

loose thoughts. so they can focus on one thing.

Alan Carroll:

Okay, so that would be an example of a tool

Alan Carroll:

that would allow you to focus your attention and not be

Alan Carroll:

distracted. Yes. Okay, cool. Let's go to the third step.

Alan Carroll:

Transformation, I think it was wasn't it transform, transform,

Angie Langley:

that's where all the magic begins to transform is

Angie Langley:

the buffer, the barrier and the boundaries. So when you get up

Angie Langley:

here, you don't have all that darkness, all that trauma, all

Angie Langley:

that baggage is gone. So up here is where we come into our power.

Angie Langley:

Like in the buffer, we notice all the things that are changing

Angie Langley:

inside of us, you know, we're more confident, we're more

Angie Langley:

powerful, we're more decisive. And then we shining our light

Angie Langley:

even more so that we start attracting the things that we

Angie Langley:

want in our lives. So the barrier like if you want more

Angie Langley:

money, no, money is gonna come to you. More opportunities are

Angie Langley:

going to come to you. And all that struggle and worry, it's

Angie Langley:

gonna go away. And then once we get to two or this point, right,

Angie Langley:

we can do some strong boundaries. So when you're

Angie Langley:

there, so you don't go back to the triage.

Alan Carroll:

Strong boundaries means things you can do to

Alan Carroll:

reinforce the tools that you're using over time so that you

Alan Carroll:

don't lose the muscle.

Angie Langley:

Yes. Oh,

Alan Carroll:

cool. Well, that's very nice. And so I liked the

Alan Carroll:

idea of the happiness you talked about happiness expert.

Alan Carroll:

Happiness seems to be fleeting, seems to be sometimes I'm happy

Alan Carroll:

sometimes I'm not happy. And, and it seems like I would always

Alan Carroll:

want to be happy, what if I could choose, I always choose to

Alan Carroll:

be happy. And yet times I'm not, I'm not happy. And so I think it

Alan Carroll:

would be great to talk a little bit about happiness, and how you

Alan Carroll:

define the start with a definition of how you define

Alan Carroll:


Angie Langley:

I define happiness is living the life you

Angie Langley:

always want it to be healthy, and strong. And having your own

Angie Langley:

control of your own decisions. Because a lot of people who

Angie Langley:

aren't happy, um, they're sick, they're depressed, they have

Angie Langley:

autoimmune diseases, they have cancer. Right. And, and this all

Angie Langley:

from embedded emotions that have happened from trauma, from loss,

Angie Langley:

could be from past lives could be generational.

Alan Carroll:

And go into trauma is not just physical trauma,

Alan Carroll:

there could be emotional trauma also, correct?

Angie Langley:

Yeah. Yeah. Because we all our body is kind

Angie Langley:

of like a big sponge, right? We absorb all this stuff. And we

Angie Langley:

just tap it down and tap it down and tap it down until we are not

Angie Langley:

healthy and happy anymore.

Alan Carroll:

What comes to mind is the idea of, of space and

Alan Carroll:

creating space versus condensing and trauma causes a condensing

Alan Carroll:

of energy and space creates an opening of the energy and

Alan Carroll:

somehow you have to give yourself that that that space

Alan Carroll:

and from a psychology point of view I look at it ng is a lot

Alan Carroll:

about forgiveness. And being able to forgive that which you

Alan Carroll:

consider to be had attacked you or made you scratch you hold

Alan Carroll:

that energy of resentment or guilt or grievances all your

Alan Carroll:

life what my mother said to me that this day, I never forget

Alan Carroll:

what you said to me. And to me that that's not healthy for for

Alan Carroll:

what you talked about living in the life I way I would like to

Alan Carroll:


Angie Langley:

That's true. And what are we doing to our kids

Angie Langley:

and our grandkids so we have to break that cycle. And they're

Angie Langley:

gonna be happy.

Alan Carroll:

And so by you working on yourself by you

Alan Carroll:

developing a set of tools and skills that allows you to manage

Alan Carroll:

yourself in the energy that you've swept through this chaos

Alan Carroll:

to the space and the outer world. In order to achieve that

Alan Carroll:

calmness and the clarity that you're talking about. And then

Alan Carroll:

putting boundaries limits to hold the hold it in place. It's

Alan Carroll:

great how long have you been doing this model?

Angie Langley:

Um, well, I brought it in by accident.

Angie Langley:

Because this is what I've been doing to heal myself. And I've

Angie Langley:

had, of course, I've done some weird and wonderful things. I

Angie Langley:

learned how to swim when I was 48 years old after almost

Angie Langley:

drowning when I was 16.

Alan Carroll:

So the trauma of almost drowning was with you

Alan Carroll:

until you were 48. And finally, you said, I'm going to face the

Alan Carroll:

fear. Yeah,

Angie Langley:

yes. Something pushed me to it. Right. And I

Angie Langley:

just had to do it. Yeah. Why? I've no idea. But


well, you survived. Yeah. Yeah. And

Angie Langley:

I have everything else that was holding me back.

Angie Langley:

Because I was like, okay, you know, something's coming up

Angie Langley:

something big, like this political loser. And it was

Angie Langley:

like, you know, what, if I can jump in to a 12 feet of water,

Angie Langley:

and not drown? I can do.

Alan Carroll:

Right. Right, right. Being able to have the

Alan Carroll:

voice inside your head, be your ally, rather than always

Alan Carroll:

defending and protecting. It's pushing, it's pushing you a

Alan Carroll:

little bit. Take take a risk. And I think there's Helen Keller

Alan Carroll:

talked about life as either a daring adventure or nothing.

Alan Carroll:

That's true. And so the you're, we're constantly have an

Alan Carroll:

opportunity to push into that danger zone. And, and you did it

Alan Carroll:

and you survived, which then gives you experience in order to

Alan Carroll:

take that experience to the next boundary, the next barrier and

Alan Carroll:

go, Oh, my God, my God. Well, I did it once. Maybe I can do it

Alan Carroll:


Angie Langley:

I can do it again. Right. And then I use

Angie Langley:

this experience to help other women too, right? So um, and of

Angie Langley:

course, I posted all these accomplishments on my Facebook

Angie Langley:

profile. And I've had women say, Okay, how did you do that? Like,

Angie Langley:

I have this issue, what do I do? And I'm like, Well, I don't

Angie Langley:

know, all I did was this. And then I had a woman, she told me,

Angie Langley:

you know, you transformed my life. I wouldn't be where I am

Angie Langley:

today without you. Right? I'm thinking, Well, how many more

Angie Langley:

women can I help? Right? So this is how it began, I just started

Angie Langley:

to evolve all of my experience, all of my fields, all the

Angie Langley:

experts that I've worked with all of my knowledge, and my

Angie Langley:

guests, you know, and I just bundled them all up into the

Angie Langley:

ultimate happiness blueprint, and I'm changing lives.

Alan Carroll:

Yep, yep. And therefore, that gives you the

Alan Carroll:

courage to do the PATA Palooza to push the uncomfortable

Alan Carroll:

envelope because you're not doing it for you. You're doing

Alan Carroll:

it for all the women who haven't had the opportunity to

Alan Carroll:

experience the things that you've experienced. And, and

Alan Carroll:

that is, that that's God's work. That's, that's the work of

Alan Carroll:

spiritual people on the planet, in order to reduce the

Alan Carroll:

suffering, or the dissatisfaction that people

Alan Carroll:

experienced. And so you found your passion. I have that's

Alan Carroll:

wonderful. That's wonderful. Yeah.

Angie Langley:

And no many people do. Right. So

Alan Carroll:

well, you're, I don't meet a lot of people who

Alan Carroll:

are, who are happy. They meet a lot of people who have

Alan Carroll:

complaints, which is not the path pathway that I know to

Alan Carroll:

happiness. But they complain a lot. And that, that's, that's

Alan Carroll:

like the opposite of happy happiness is going the way I

Alan Carroll:

want it to go. Not the way I don't want it to go. It's not

Alan Carroll:

going the way I want it to go. Well, that's not happy.

Angie Langley:

No, your happiness very sad again, it's

Angie Langley:

just blocking their happiness.

Alan Carroll:

Right? Right. The thoughts that you have in your

Alan Carroll:

mind are, are like paint on the canvas. And you paint the

Alan Carroll:

canvas, whatever the thought saw, your thinking becomes the

Alan Carroll:

mind's eye canvas. And that's the canvas that I use to look at

Alan Carroll:

you. And I if I see someone if I paint you, I like you, then

Alan Carroll:

Angie, you're a wonderful person. I really I really enjoy

Alan Carroll:

talking with you. If I paint it that I don't like you because

Alan Carroll:

you're wearing a blue dress like my mother wore when I was three

Alan Carroll:

years old, and she really beat the heck out of me. wears a blue

Alan Carroll:

dress bow I hate right away. But I don't even know you that kind

Alan Carroll:

of unconsciousness that. Why are you not connecting with NGO's? I

Alan Carroll:

don't know, but I just don't use a bad person. I was just a

Alan Carroll:

trigger. Yeah, it triggers it right. It triggers it So I

Alan Carroll:

appreciate you taking the time to share with my audience some

Alan Carroll:

of some of your journey. And when we want to connect with you

Alan Carroll:

in the future, what are the best ways that my audience can

Alan Carroll:

connect with you?

Angie Langley:

I have a Facebook group called soul force

Angie Langley:

sisterhood group. And I can post the links to my calendar if you

Angie Langley:

want to chat. And, yeah,

Alan Carroll:

good. So what I do is why take all the things that

Alan Carroll:

you want to promote website and broadcast it out to the world.

Alan Carroll:

And when we send the podcast out, there's show notes, and the

Alan Carroll:

show notes include all the links of the speaker that is on his on

Alan Carroll:

the podcast. So the more information let me give you my

Alan Carroll:

email address that you can send over to me. Okay. Allen, ala en

Alan Carroll:

that a CA. Mindful, M I N D fu lu.com. And if you send me all

Alan Carroll:

that information, I will make sure that my team who's managing

Alan Carroll:

all the logistics gets in and can put into the right places so

Alan Carroll:

we can get the maximum view of of the audience.

Angie Langley:

Okay, great, because I have a love and

Angie Langley:

happiness challenge coming up just before Valentine's so

Alan Carroll:

great, so we can promote that for you. Yeah.

Alan Carroll:

Wonderful son. Well, I'm glad that you survived the podcast.

Alan Carroll:

I'm glad that used that. You got to the potty Palooza, you are

Alan Carroll:

now stronger than you were in the morning. And so because you

Alan Carroll:

have courage and you took a chance and you walk you walked

Alan Carroll:

the talk.

Angie Langley:

Well, you have to write if you want to teach it,

Angie Langley:

you have to do it.

Alan Carroll:

Well, and you found your passion mean, you

Alan Carroll:

talked about that you most people aren't in touch with

Alan Carroll:

their purpose. What am I doing here on the planet? This time

Alan Carroll:

around? What do you mean? What am I doing on the planet?

Angie Langley:

So what I was at that point in my life, I didn't

Angie Langley:

know what in the world. I wanted to do. It just kind of evolved

Angie Langley:

to do. Yeah.

Alan Carroll:

And here you are. You now know how to swim you

Alan Carroll:

write you write books, you do Facebook, you are active in the

Alan Carroll:

world. You help help other women. I mean, it's your you are

Alan Carroll:

a teacher, a healer, doing doing great work in the world. Thank

Alan Carroll:

you. Thank you for doing all the great work that you're doing.

Angie Langley:

Well, thank you.

Alan Carroll:

And I want to connect in the future. I'm gonna

Alan Carroll:

write down what's the best phone number? Angie for you.

Angie Langley:

My number is 1-902-799-9056.

Alan Carroll:

And what, where is this?

Angie Langley:

I am in Nova Scotia, Canada,

Alan Carroll:

Nova Scotia. I've not been to Nova Scotia, but

Alan Carroll:

that's one of the provinces I remember from school. It's the

Alan Carroll:

one of the small ones. And it's an island

Angie Langley:

like, yes, we look like a whale. Well, at

Angie Langley:

least you know where I'm at.

Alan Carroll:

I've seen pictures in National Geographic, at least

Alan Carroll:

in the summertime. It look really really pretty.

Angie Langley:

It's beautiful here. Yeah.

Alan Carroll:

peaceful, calm.

Angie Langley:

Yes, sometimes. Yeah. Most of the time. Whether

Angie Langley:

I'm right now. It's just raining. me this time of year we

Angie Langley:

have about two feet of snow. So we may get that. Yep. Who knows?

Angie Langley:


Alan Carroll:

got it. Well, I enjoyed Angie talking with you.

Alan Carroll:

Thank you very much for being a guest on my podcast mindful you.

Alan Carroll:

Have a wonderful day. And I gotta go back to the to the

Alan Carroll:

main, the main stage. And I'll be talking to everybody,

Alan Carroll:

probably around 535 My time, which is East Coast time. So

Alan Carroll:

let's take three hours away. Maybe that's 235 Your time. And

Alan Carroll:

I'll be talking about a topic that I think you would like it's

Alan Carroll:

a same same genre of information.

Angie Langley:

Oh, cool. I can't wait. Okay.

Alan Carroll:

Thank you very much, Angie,

Angie Langley:

thank you for having me. Bye bye. Bye.

About the Podcast

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Mindful You

About your host

Profile picture for Alan Carroll

Alan Carroll

Alan Carroll is an Educational Psychologist who specializes in Transpersonal Psychology. He founded Alan Carroll & Associates 30 years ago and before that, he was a Senior Sales Training Consultant for 10 years at Digital Equipment Corporation. He has dedicated his life in search of mindfulness tools that can be used by everyone (young and old) to transform their ability to speak at a professional level, as well as, to reduce the psychological suffering caused by the misidentification with our ego and reconnect to the vast transcendent dimension of consciousness that lies just on the other side of the thoughts we think and in between the words we speak.