Episode 89

Navigating Personal and Spiritual Growth with Jeanne Vessard's Divine Insights

Returning guest Jeanne Vessard, an intuitive healer and author, discusses insights on the power of personal decision-making, emphasizing that we can choose to rise above external influences and align with our true selves. We explored the duality of human nature, and how faith in our spiritual side can lead to transformation. Meditation, positive thoughts, and connecting with our higher selves were highlighted as keys to spiritual growth. Don't miss this enlightening episode filled with practical wisdom and transformative experiences. Tune in now!

About our Guest:

Jeanne Vessard was a psychologist and a program manager for many programs that served children with special needs. When she began to meditate on a regular basis at 30 years old and also practice mindfulness many new experiences opened for her. She became aware of a deeper reality within her own being and she also had many higher dimensional experiences. She realized she was connected to many higher dimensional beings. She became aware of many resources from beyond this 3rd dimension world.

She had personal experiences with some of the soul groups and her own light group from a high dimension. Those in that light group made many contacts with her over her life. Some of those beings came in groups and others made individual contacts. She was often aware when she saw them that she loved and missed them.

Her first remembered experiences were at 7 years old when she and a younger sister saw and interacted with brilliant light beings from higher dimensions for a few nights. Later as an adult many of those beings made contact with her. The most contacts were made by the ancient mentor of that light group. She was given energy and healings by that ancient mentor and he also assisted her in creative activities by sometimes showing her scenes from higher dimensions that put her in new phrases of creativity.

She often expressed some of those experiences in painting. She recorded many of those experiences over the decades and wrote about them in the book “Visions of a Star Traveler.” by J.M.Vessard available on Amazon and in many other places. There is also another book that will be published in the near future.

About Alan:

Alan Carroll is an Educational Psychologist who specializes in Transpersonal Psychology. He founded Alan Carroll & Associates 30 years ago and before that, he was a Senior Sales Training Consultant for 10 years at Digital Equipment Corporation. He has dedicated his life in search of mindfulness tools that can be used by everyone (young and old) to transform their ability to speak at a professional level, as well as, to reduce the psychological suffering caused by the misidentification with our ego and reconnect to the vast transcendent dimension of consciousness that lies just on the other side of the thoughts we think and in between the words we speak.

Personal: https://www.facebook.com/alan.carroll.7359

Business: https://www.facebook.com/AlanCarrolltrains

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Web Site: https://acamindfulyou.com/

About the Podcast

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Mindful You

About your host

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Alan Carroll

Alan Carroll is an Educational Psychologist who specializes in Transpersonal Psychology. He founded Alan Carroll & Associates 30 years ago and before that, he was a Senior Sales Training Consultant for 10 years at Digital Equipment Corporation. He has dedicated his life in search of mindfulness tools that can be used by everyone (young and old) to transform their ability to speak at a professional level, as well as, to reduce the psychological suffering caused by the misidentification with our ego and reconnect to the vast transcendent dimension of consciousness that lies just on the other side of the thoughts we think and in between the words we speak.