Episode 3

Shamanic Journey: Retrieving Your Lost Soul and Heal Trauma with Amalia Camateros | Ep 03

Our guest today Amalia Camateros, a shamanic practitioner, discusses how shamanic journeying can help retrieve lost parts of the soul and heal trauma. She explains how shamanic journeying works, using drumming or rattling to induce a trance-like state and access the subconscious mind and the spirit realm. Amalia emphasizes the importance of connecting with nature, using meditation to prepare for the journey, and owning the animal part of oneself to aid in self-discovery and healing. Overall, this episode offers insight into the powerful healing potential of the shamanic journey.

About our Guest:

Amalia is a ceremonialist, EarthSpirit wisdom Shaman who inspires us to reconnect with the Earth as a sacred temple of Living Spirit. She is a Naturopathic Doctor and Counselor for over 40 years. Her background includes yoga, meditation, creative dance, intuitive bodywork, rebirthing and beekeeping. Throughout her extensive travels to ancient Earth sites and indigenous cultures, Amalia has explored the essential ‘spirit of place’ from which her EarthSpirit Dance emerged. Utillizing the medium of dance for self-actualization, Amalia gleans information from the Earth and anchors it as body wisdom for the self, the planet and beyond.  She was raised in Australia and for the last 18 years has lived in Sedona, Arizona.

About Alan:

Alan Carroll is an Educational Psychologist who specializes in Transpersonal Psychology. He founded Alan Carroll & Associates 30 years ago and before that, he was a Senior Sales Training Consultant for 10 years at Digital Equipment Corporation. He has dedicated his life in search of mindfulness tools that can be used by everyone (young and old) to transform their ability to speak at a professional level, as well as, to reduce the psychological suffering caused by the misidentification with our ego and reconnect to the vast transcendent dimension of consciousness that lies just on the other side of the thoughts we think and in between the words we speak.

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Alan Carroll:

Welcome, everybody, to the Mindful You podcast. My name is Alan Carroll. And I'd like to introduce today our next guest, Amalia from Australia. She's a doctor and naturopathic medicine. I would say an Earth Spirit, someone who is very grounded, very centered, very balanced, and has been in the inquiry, of transformation of consciousness and very connected to the to the earth. Matter of fact, the book that she wrote spirit of the stones, I'm reading it very much connected to the power of Mother Earth, and transforming that consciousness into a more mindful state of awareness. So please welcome Amalia to the mindful you podcast. Good afternoon to Sedona and good afternoon to all Amalia in Sedona. Welcome. I'm Amalia, to the mindful you podcast.

Amalia Camateros:

Thank you, Alan. It's an honor to be here. Thanks.

Alan Carroll:

I recall a little over a week ago, I was sitting on the rocks of beautiful Sedona with my daughter and you were guiding us on a shamanic kind of a journey, I would say eyes closed, surrounded by the the energy of Sedona. And so I said, Boy, wouldn't it be nice if we could get amalia to visit us on our on our podcast to share some of her, her her wisdom, her wisdom that you've gleaned from years of experiences in your, in your travels from Australia, all the way to to Sedona and I am reading your book. And the book title is spirit of the stones. And in the back they have a little description of the author. And so I love the way you described yourself as a ceremonial list, and Earth Spirit wisdom guide who inspires us to reconnect with the Earth as a sacred temple of living spirit. And in the in the mindfulness business Boy, that's really really sweet stuff. Very, very, very sweet.

Amalia Camateros:

Thanks for bringing that to light to the people. Thank you.

Alan Carroll:

And so I, when I look at mindfulness, right up there, with mindfulness comes being grounded, and being an observer of the experience, rather than the experience. So when I was reading your book, it seemed like there was an unfolding of that reconnecting to a energy, and we'll call it Earth, mother, mother's energy, nature. There's something about that when you shift your attention to that world, and you leave another world that transforms your consciousness. And so I believe that that your journey has transformed your consciousness. And so I thought it'd be really great to have you share some of your experiences that transformed your consciousness as you journeyed from Melbourne, Australia, all the way to Sedona, Arizona.

Amalia Camateros:

Absolutely. What do you want to know?

Alan Carroll:

Well, I, I like the, the aborigine life of the bush. And that definitely gets out of that concrete environment. You went to an environment in which no concrete, very earthy, very nature, very grounded very hands in the in the dirt kind of experience and, and you describe transformation. So I'd like to hear about a little bit of the bush experiences.

Amalia Camateros:

Yes, I had spent some time with some aborigines in Australia. In particular, as you know, you met Uncle Cassie in my book, and he would take me out camping and show me that the dinosaur footprints in the earth that were you know, two or three, maybe three foot long, one one foot, one print in the rock, and we wouldn't talk much. It was very much more of space and time was filled with the presence. And that's what I experienced with the Aborigines in Australia that at the time when I was spending time with when I was 18 years of age, and watching the crescent moon sink into the ocean, there was no talking. There was a unified field of us both experiencing this beauty that the universe offers. And that's what I remember, I remember the space. And the elongated time, which meant it wasn't filled with fragments of thoughts and different words and actions, there was an elongation of space and time that really, they call the drain time. And I remember also, years after that, that is also in the book that you'll come across as well, when you reach to that point is where I went back to Ayers Rock, I went back to Ayers Rock as it's known to the general public, but to the aboriginals. It's called Kata Tjuta. And that's the big plug of earth that's that big, monolithic rock is rock. I was there and then 50 miles or so away, there's something there somewhere else, it's really very powerful as well called the ogres. And I remember going there and everything was so stark and, and almost like I don't know if you know the the painting of Degas in the Renaissance era is very sort of two dimensional, almost like the shades of black and white. And everything was so stark and hot, and almost unbearable. In the middle of the desert, and then the crow would clump come and just call and and look at you. With beady eyes, everything was extremely enhanced. And you don't need to take any drugs or LSD or mushrooms or anything that's all there. And the heat of the rocks, the heat coming off the rocks as I was walking the path wasn't smooth. The Crow, cocking it if the big rocks that had little rocks that look like faces looking at you. Everything was so severe and intense. I stopped for a moment and went, Oh my gosh, oh my god. This is the dream time. You have to be present. You just have to be present here to survive. And in the presence. There's no thought there's no worry or concern. You're just there. You're just there. And that's the that's the dream time. That's the that's the bush experience. That's like when you're working with bees. The bees give you that they elongate time because you have to be present. They demand presents the bees I love working with bees by the way. Bees are one of my highest totems. A lot of people have whales and dolphins and eagles minds a little tiny beat as a spirit medicine, because of the power that they that little tiny insect creates a world of proliferation of abundance of beauty.

Alan Carroll:

Because I remember in the book, you bring up the bees were at one point in time you're in Mexico, and the bees actually stung you there a wasp, I think you said and then another time the bees were blocking the cave entrance. So bees are definitely part of your journey.

Amalia Camateros:

Yes, yes, definitely. And that's why it became my be medicine. After all of those experiences that I had, I would you know, as you know, my book is about really listening to the beings of the stones, the spirit of the stones, the spirit of the stones is the energy of Mother Earth. Its Mother Earth's voice that comes through these beings with just stones and trees and water and the elements. And but my calling was to go and speak, listen to the stones speak. And so when I would be in Mexico or wherever I was, whether it was in Mexico or New Mexico or Sedona I would ask the stone beings Where do you want me? And I'd write and put my arm out and like a sort of sort of swoon at over swish it over and go where do you want me like a like a divination in a way and then it would be like boom and I wouldn't even know I was there I would just go there because that's what I would feel the my intuition or my instinct or, or the spirit of the stones had called me so I would go there and no sooner when I go there I would just sit there for example in Mexico I would go to a particular ruins and go where they want me to sit in the ruins so I can listen to the to the beans of the stones speak. And so I can write it in my book and return it to the people and with no sooner than what I be sitting there and I'd look up and there'd be a beehive right above my head. Or, or that would happen a few times. Or if I would go to a remote little temple out of the way that no one else would go to because it was so hard to get there. Most of the temples in Mexico are the most sacred. Temples are the hardest ones to get to, to me, it was like you have to earn your way to get to that temple, you just can't get there, you know, so, you know, out of the way, and I would go to the Forgotten temple in Mexico, or the temple of the old woman, and all of a sudden there'd be a beehive in the wall. You know, this has happened many times to me. So, and this is part of the Melissa tribe, the priestesses of Greece, which is where my heritage comes from. So the Melissa tribe and the the Oracle, the Oracle of Delphi, they all work with the BS energy. So anyway, just to answer your question, yes, I have had a very strong relationship with that energy. And it's quite remarkable. I love it.

Alan Carroll:

I love the going back to the Don Juan Carlos Castaneda journey. It's like one step into this world, one step into this world. And you've used the word dream world a lot. And in dreaming, there is a time that you wake up in the dream. And it appeared from your book, you had many times that you woke up from the dream and then woke up from the dream you thought you already woke up from. I think that was in the Big Island when you did the experience with those the folks in the Big Island. And it was like, it was funny. You described yourself as in the tent, and then someone comes into the tent, and you tell them no, you need to get out of the tent. And and you think that's it that you woke up from the dream? And then you said, no, no, no, I don't what I woke up again. And to me, that's, that's pretty mind blowing to wake up in your dream in the first place? The lucid dreams, and you seem to be very much in and out of that dream state. Is that Is that true?

Amalia Camateros:

Yes. Yes, I had that from the beginning. As a child, I've always had that. Now, whether you call it a third eye veil, it's very thin, or a very developed Third Eye energy, which is where the Envision meant and the, the seeing from the non physical eyes, the non physical eye that's been always developed. I went to a psychic once many years ago, and he said you have a W have a double third eye. He said, That's very unusual. And I said, What do you mean by that? He goes, you've got a double third eye. So I even as a child, I would see visions. I would call from my mother in the next room and call for her to go to the toilet. Because our toilet was outside at that time in Australia, at towards the back of the house anyway, and I would call for her and I would see while I heard her getting ready saying yes, I'm coming. I also saw a vision of her standing there at the doorway with the pajamas I never saw which were cream colored with red and green pinstripes and I was wondering what she were in those pajamas for and why can I hear her over there? And she's standing here. And then when she came, she was wearing those pajamas. And I'd never seen them before. And I see. I was old enough to say where did you get the pajamas from she goes, I just got them this afternoon food for daddy. So these sorts of things or, or when I went back to Australia six years ago, a couple of times ago, six years ago, one of my girlfriends said, Oh, I'm Elena that time I came and stayed at your house. And you were looking at the door saying look at the emerald green light. Now, you know, you're already reading my book that the emerald green light is also another one of those threads that come through my life. Yes. I had forgotten that. She would seem that it was a child. But she reminded me and sent me that time. We looked at the door and you said oh my god is emerald green light shining through the door. And she said Amalia I freaked out. I thought you were something's wrong with you or you're going crazy. And then when I really relaxed and just thought I'd forget about it, I saw the emerald green light. And she reminded me that this emerald energy that I have been experiencing later in my life when now writing in that book now that mean in that book spirit of the stones, that I had had that as a child. That visitation of the emerald green color had come to me as a child and dreams, you know, are to me very shamanic, and I'll tell you why. We are all shamanic. We all have that shamanic energy within us. We dream every night. That's a shamanic experience. What I've shamanic or what the shaman does is he she goes into the unseen world. Now, whether that's in the spirit world, or whether that's in the underworld of the Earth, or whether that's in the unconscious realm, the unseen world, the Shaman is able to go in there, shine some light in there, or go there, retrieve information, retrieve the wisdom, and we return it back to conscious Day a day of light, we turn it back to the person who needs help, or return it back to your own state of consciousness. For example, when people come to see me, I take them out on the stones, or if I see them, in a emotional core clearing, I use those shamanic techniques, it's not even a technique, to me, it's more a matter of being able to tune in to their world, to where they are or where their unconscious realm is, I can go in there and retrieve what's been hidden, and bring it back to the Conscious Light of Day, bring it back to consciousness. Does that make sense to you?

Alan Carroll:

And once it comes back to consciousness, you can begin to manage something that was causing an issue, but you didn't, you're unconscious of it. And so by bringing it up to consciousness, you now are able to see, and then hopefully release, hopefully, acknowledge and accept, which I thought was so valuable when you were training us on the mountain a few weeks ago was the is was one of the exercises that you did was, you took the two opposites, which are the ying and the yang, which are the dualities that are always there, causing a conflict with people in the mind. Yes. And you and you took the, let's say, the strong part of you, and then the weak part of you, like our two sub personalities, and you had them come together. And you you acknowledge that both of them exist, rather than to deny the existence of the weak because you were identifying with the, with the with with the strong. And that's what I think you're talking about.

Amalia Camateros:

Absolutely, absolutely. You know, to shine light into the darkness that's very shamanic. The sun shining its light into the caves of the Earth, very shamanic.

Alan Carroll:

I loved all the caves, you you, you find caves all over the place. And your caves are magical caves. They're not just caves. They're magical caves, with magical things happening in magical caves and magical places. And so most people don't get to experience that much magic in their life.

Amalia Camateros:

No, also not most people are afraid to go into the caves, because that's where it's dark and unseen. And so, you know, magic is magic abounds everywhere. And when you look at diamonds that are formed in the coal of the earth, you have to dig down deep into the black. And get all you know, salty and dirty, and whatever it is, but that's where the diamonds are formed. Or you have to go into the caves and into not necessarily always caves for gold. But generally you have to go digging deep deep for that for the riches. And I see the same in our own psyche and consciousness that when we can go down into the deepest part of ourselves, where we've hidden, that that's where the treasure lies. That's where a lot of the treasure lies in the deepest, darkest corners of our minds that we have run from credit LeBrons around. And when a shaman or when I go live with my clients, I I can lead them back through the labyrinth of the mind back into that place where that little hidden child is hiding the traumatic part that's experienced a shock or a trauma or rejection or something that was really severe to them. That gets frozen in time. The breath we know we know when we experience something really scary or shocking. We tend to inhale and hold our breath and that gets stored in the muscle memory that gets stored in our body that's always there. So it's important for us to go back in there and exhale it not not to lock it in with an inhale, but to unlock it by exhaling and release it back into the light of day back into your conscious awareness.

Alan Carroll:

It's beautiful. It's beautiful. very much of the looking at the management of the thoughts that you think and being able to observe the thoughts that you think, being able to create you being having the realization that there is a space beyond the thoughts that you think that appears to happen when you meditate. And you when you ground yourself and meditate, you slow things down, you slow, you talk about going into the deep, dark recesses of your unconscious, to me that just slowing the whole thing. Erasing, erasing all the thoughts, a thoughtless space of nothingness.

Amalia Camateros:

It's when you say, beyond that space is beyond, I would like to say it's behind. I'll quantify that, that silence and presence is always there. That's just the nature of existence. However, the things we pile on top of that, the thoughts we add on the Add on thoughts and the worries and the thoughts and the frustrations, and they're not good enough. And all of this that we put on, underneath all that is always the silence. So we don't have to reach anywhere beyond ourselves for that we, as you just mentioned, to just Whoo, bring it all back down into bass into the bass tone of, of presence. It's like a car that idle that does revving up, it's always revving up and it's always ready to go. And we can travel places. Yes, it's nothing wrong with expressing ourselves. Of course, this is the nature of our opportunity to live and expand and grow. But to also know that we can come back home, we can gear shift back down from four, five gears down into idle and just reset and take a look around and where are we before we go again, rushing off again?

Alan Carroll:

Absolutely. How many times during the day do you stop? How many times a day do you disembark from the train of thoughts that you're thinking about whatever you're thinking? And the answer is no. People don't get disembark from their thoughts at all, they don't even know it's possible to disembark from their thoughts, and erase the thoughts and just be in that place of stillness.

Amalia Camateros:

That's right. And we unfortunately, we sleep at night. But then the the mind goes that then then the person's awareness goes unconscious. So it's not really what you're talking about. We do stop luckily, but not in our consciousness so much, because that's where that's where I feel going into nature can allow us to slow down enough to reset into that place that you're talking about, that you're talking about. And that will be you and I are talking about here, where we can the the vibration, the frequency, the the emanation of Mother Earth and mother nature and the trees and leaves and everything out there in nature. It's not rushing to go anywhere, there's no thoughts and add on thoughts. It just is a state of pure presence, as as one of the most purest expressions of God. unadulterated kind of as a adult, the most purest expression of God is in nature. And so fortunately, we, we have enough of that left of the planet, and enough places hopefully enough left that's untainted, or manipulated in certain ways, for the benefit of the few, but to just go out and sit or stand in nature just for a moment, and feel your feet on the ground, feel this huge PowerPoint battery underneath our feet. And that's, that has harnessed so much energy that continually immortally it ever, ever, ever presently gives us nourishment and provides for us and gives all the time and this is like a replenishment of our batteries. We can go out, put our feet on the ground and really drop our thoughts, our awareness, their thoughts with the breath through the exhaling I let it let that you know there's a process that I get from that and that's what I would like to offer as one of the gifts to your to the listeners there is that the cost that I can The Editor help you sink down into the lower terrain into the where the magic is, as we said before, like those caves, where the treasure is where the things have been hidden. And in the mythology, in the movies, you, you see where the dragons or dragons protect the treasure, you have to go through a pass the dragons, you know, and that's pretty much like our ego, we have to pass through the gates of our ego in order to get down. We have to humble ourselves by going down, not racing up and out and more and more and more, but less and less and, and, and go down into that cave of our own self. And that's where the dragon's eye, that's where we don't we don't want to feel it. We don't want to feel those things that we've hidden down there. But once we do, and we get past those inner resistances, the, you know, the mythos would call dragons, the entrance of the cave. Once we go down there, that's where the treasures lie. That's where the Kundalini lies down there in the Root Chakra. At the base of our being, between the anal sphincter and the genitals is the perineum is the root chakra. That's a very, very, very, very powerful center, very shamanic center in our own body.

Alan Carroll:

And so when people meditate, putting their attention on the Root Chakra would be a great way to become embodied rather than disembodied with the thoughts.

Amalia Camateros:

Absolutely. And the root chakra that goes down and puts the roots down into the earth. Yes, that's that's the way I, that's the way I teach. That's the cause I'm going to offer to your listeners and what I've made to help people understand that a lot of people believe that we've got to go up and out. A lot of people deemed spirituality from their heart center up that spiritually down below that's just physical. Yeah, but but when you look at the Lotus, the lotus flower is regarded in the ancient traditions as the most purest symbol of consciousness. And but look at the look at that template that they use through the look through the cesspool goes sorry, let me say that again. Through the cesspool grows the Lotus through the darkest shittiest, murkiest Slurpees list of mud grows this purest, purest lotus, that symbolizes the crown chakra symbolizes the 1000 petaled, Lotus, that opens up the consciousness. So you can't have one without the other. You can't just have a lotus opening without the roots in the ground in the mud, you can't have a grounded way of living without the consciousness to know what the ground is, and you can't have an open consciousness to God and all that is or to spirit creator. All that is, if you haven't also own that animal part of you.

Alan Carroll:

Let's just take a journey down the animal part of us through the Course in Miracles pathway. Because I'm a big fan, of course in miracles. And when we did our work, I noticed that you had a couple of books on your desk and one of the books was Course in Miracles. So I know that you are doing the Course of Miracles for the second time, which is very exciting. And of course of miracles, they talk a lot about getting beyond that ego identity, which you mentioned the ego a couple of times, and they point out that part of the Dragons you carry with you with your baggage grievances and complaints about your life. And that until you get to the point where you can forgive and let those grievances go those dragons are never going to leave. Is that a connection between your dragons and the grievances?

Amalia Camateros:

Yes, yes, absolutely. Absolutely whatever it is we resist what we resist is part of those we could say dragons or I don't necessarily call it dragons. I was just using that analogy for the for the I love

Alan Carroll:

I love dragons I got dragons in my office here so I'm only Dragon God

Amalia Camateros:

I'm just writing about the Phoenix and rising from the ashes right now for my second book. But from the Course in Miracles it's it's there's a there's a state of eternal love that they always The spoke always refers back to the state of God, the state of this eternal love, that doesn't have any separation. Now, you know, in terms of what we're saying about that, I can relate to what I'm talking about with earth and sky, we don't want any separation, we want the entirety of it all. Like when we took you out into the rocks, and I use living ceremony, I don't know what I'm going to do with you, when I even take you out there. I'm just listening to your words, and I'm listening to your body language more than anything, the words can say anything. But the body language and the energy in the presence of the of your body is what's telling me what it needs. And so when by pulling those two polarities out, we talked about earlier in this in this podcast, that the opposites when the weaker one and the stronger one, it's not about facing one way and focusing only on that, at the expense of the other, the real master for me, and this is what the quote coming back to the Course in Miracles, the real master is being at that center point and being able to know that there's the full gamut there. Being at the center of the vortex and knowing that the vortex spins around each and every one of us, the universe complies to everything that we we think. So coming back to that pure space, coming back to that zero point, coming back to the presence of existence, coming back to the god nature of self. That's how I would

Alan Carroll:

sure. I look at that as mindful presence observer witness watching the movie rather than you are the movie. And often people identify so much with the movie, they throw stuff at the screen. But but it's just a movie, but it seems like you get upset at the movie. And I just really value your time today, being able to share with us your your journeys, and it sounds like we can come back together in the future because you got lots of things to share. And before before we we leave I I'd like to have you share with our audience some of the workshops that you do some of the types of seminars that you do individual, I know you do retreats, I thought that was that was great. Also, how would one connect with you? If they wanted to send you an email or attend a program?

Amalia Camateros:

Yes, yes, absolutely. Well, first of all, answer the first part of the question. People usually find me through the website, I asked people, How did you find me, and they'll say, I've looked at looked and looked, I searched around, and somehow the energy of your website felt comfortable or felt real or felt that resonated, or at all, I always came back to that one. So, you know, definitely people find me through my website. And I'll tell you that in a minute, I give either one off sessions that people would like to experience. And that can be the shamanic land journeys, or we go out in the land and on or in the rocks in Sedona is one vortex upon the other. So anywhere we can go we're going to be in a vortex and and I help people sink down and become present and get into their body feel the magic of their body as part of Mother Earth. So I'll do that whole living ceremony that encompasses and includes going into the deeper shadows that have been hidden, to bring it to the light of day to bring it and mix and then offer some suggestions of how to shift that in your daily life. So that's something a lot of people come for that particular session. I also have emotional core healing sessions, and couples counseling and family counseling, all to do with bringing whatever's blocked, hidden, resisted, blame, shame. Shame has a lot is a lot. We you know, as a humanity, we carry a lot of shame. And we carry a lot of not good enough. And so really, we have to excavate the soil or weed the garden and allow the little seeds that have always been there that have furtively they want to come up to come up and out, can come up and out because we're weeding out the things that are strangling the beauty and the potential of what the soul wants to manifest. So you know, our for those sessions, and how you can and all and also retreats, people come like I just had a very fascinating gentleman Come to see me for a retreat this last weekend, and had four sessions in two days. So we go through different sessions and give a concentrated version of a retreat of a personal retreat. Sure, or a Couples Retreat, that sort of thing. I also give it as shamanic dance workshops, where I can take people through the template of how Mother Earth teaches us how to how to plant the seed of thought into her soil into into our consciousness and give birth to that through the chakras and through dance and movement to embody that kind of prayer. Because often when we, when we create or experience a prayer in the physical, it's usually in the physically in the physical, it is returned in the physical. So when we bring the prayer all the way down into the physical, through the physical is where it comes out of where it's shown to us. So how people can come to find me is through my website would be the best portal. Good. And that is Earth, spirit wisdom.com. So earth as in Mother Earth, spirit, as in Holy Spirit, or the heavens, earth, spirit, and wisdom back into the heart that encompasses the dualities into the oneness. Beautiful, beautiful, and the email is simple. If you know the website, you'll just add info on top of that. So in front of that, so that's my, my email is info at Earth, spirit wisdom.com. And I believe we're going to have a few links below. Yes, yes, we will, in that I can offer in terms of the little short course that I made called stronger than ever. As I said, it's a short shamanic course, teaching people how to ground their energy, how to get out of their head, into their body, into the earth, so that they can become, they can enjoy life as it presents itself, rather than racing too much into the future and getting anxious or dragging the past into their, into their present moment, which is, which is heavy and uncomfortable. And just to be free.

Alan Carroll:

Would you as a closing maybe a minute, minute and a half do a nice close grounding exercise that we can have our people are not driving cars, but are comfortable can sit down and close their eyes and then just get to experience a grounding exercise.

Amalia Camateros:

Yes, yes. Now if I play this drum with this does that. Can you hear that? Enough? was great. Okay, great. Okay. So let's all begin. Thank you for everybody for being here. I really, really very much appreciate it. And thank you, Ellen, for having me. And I asked now that we take a moment to close our eyes. And just take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. And just notice to see if you're lifting your nose up high or it's download, bring it equal upfront so that your heads nice and straight with the chakras stem in through the nose and out through the mouth. And when you ready. On the next exhale, I'd like you to follow the exhale as if you are the exhale. Follow it down, rolling down the body down the central corridor of your body all the way down and if you stop somewhere because you've run out of breath, take a breath from that point. Go down all the way down. We're going all the way down to the root chakra. No matter how many stops you had to make. We are going to ground floor. Taking one more deep breath from the top of the head. Exhale, let go. Let that conscious awareness roll down like at the breath going all the way down. Down to root chakra between the anus feature and the genitalia. Once you're down there, I'd like you to just take a few deep breaths down there and stay down there to stay down there

Amalia Camateros:

and now I'd like you to squeeze and contract that whole air You're down there. And then exhale, just release. Release the tissues, release every atom every fiber, release. Again, take an inhale, contract, hold, and release, let go, exhale. All the way all the way. And again, one more time contract really contracts, contract. Hold the breath. Exhale Leca. Notice, notice how and keep it open, keep that whole portal of that root chakra open. Now. Even more, you can even relax it even more all the way all the way to you have no separation of your root chakra and the earth you are just open. Take a deep breath. And again, inhale. And allow the breath to roll down the central corridor again, all the way down. Even if you have to stop once or twice, roll the breath all the way down to ground floor all the way down to the root chakra. And now down into basement down into the earth. Allow the breathing now to roll on through down that root chakra down into the earth. And let go. Just let go, relax, surrender. And each time you breathe, you're gonna breathe in from the top of the head and let that breath roll all the way down through the Root Chakra into the earth and give it over to Mother Earth. Mother Earth takes the dead leaves of the trees and she takes the dead branches and she takes the dead bodies and she takes our fecal matter and she takes whatever we no longer need. And she recycles it so you can hand it over to her safely. Let go the worry let go the anxiety let go the concerns just for now. Just for now. And rest in peace rest in peace Namaste Namaste. Blessings, Blessings, Blessings, everybody.

Alan Carroll:

How beautiful. Thank you very much.

Amalia Camateros:

You're welcome.

Alan Carroll:

We really enjoyed having you share your experiences. And we look forward to the next time. Yes, I'd love to and those people have not been to Sedona it's I would look at Sedona as a spiritual Mecca. If not the spiritual Mecca certainly one of the spiritual Mecca is on on the planet.

Amalia Camateros:

Places on Earth for consciousness for sure.

Alan Carroll:

Well, thank you very much, Amalia. I want to say goodbye. And bye bye for now and thank you again for being on the mindful you podcast.

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Alan Carroll

Alan Carroll is an Educational Psychologist who specializes in Transpersonal Psychology. He founded Alan Carroll & Associates 30 years ago and before that, he was a Senior Sales Training Consultant for 10 years at Digital Equipment Corporation. He has dedicated his life in search of mindfulness tools that can be used by everyone (young and old) to transform their ability to speak at a professional level, as well as, to reduce the psychological suffering caused by the misidentification with our ego and reconnect to the vast transcendent dimension of consciousness that lies just on the other side of the thoughts we think and in between the words we speak.